Monday, December 19, 2011

it's been a while

I haven't blogged in a couple weeks.  During those few weeks, I've only taken one picture, so here it is...

The roof of my mouth is still numb and I think I'm still swollen, but other than that, I think I look completely normal (as normal as a 26yo with braces looks).  I went to the orthodontist last week, and they told me my braces would be off in 3 months.  Music to my ears!!!! I was initially told it would be August, so when I heard they would be March, I was ecstatic!!!  I still think my teeth have a long way to go, but I'm optimistic! 

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

TWO months!

days SIXTY, SIXTY ONE, SIXTY TWO and SIXTY THREE.  Tuesday marked two months since my surgery.  My recovery has gone by so fast.  My gums above my teeth are still completely numb along with the roof of my mouth but only where my splint was.  I'm still swollen, but if you didn't know me, I don't think you'd be able to tell.  I kept thinking my smile was crooked because of swelling, but its actually because my gums are more exposed on one side.  I had my final appointment with my oral surgeon yesterday.  He said that once my braces are off, I need to have my gums evened up.  I'm definitely all in, so I'm going to do it, but I hope it is not too invasive, and I really hope its not painful.

Besides my splint being off, I don't see much of a difference between the second and third picture.  Maybe I look a little less swollen when you look at my cheeks?

I took the next two pictures exactly two months after my surgery.  Looking at my profile, I still look really swollen, but I think I might just have a chubby face.  When I smile, my nose wrinkles.  This is something totally new. 

I know I've talked about my bumpy chin before, but I don't know if I've ever put pictures up.  I've always been a mouth breather mainly because my lips never comfortably went together.  At rest, my mouth would always be wide open.  I could obviously press my lips together, but it was always awkward, and I would have a bumpy chin.  Now, after my surgery, I am bump free!  My lips now rest together; I breathe solely out of my nose (except maybe at night time); and I no longer have bumps on my chin!

see the bumps!!                                                                                                  no more bumps!

Now I just need to start a countdown to when I'm getting my braces off, but I think it'd be depressing.  I don't want to rush time, but it feels like summer won't be here for a really long time!!  For now, I'll just take things day by day!