Monday, November 14, 2011

before, during, and after -- BITE and SMILE

This is the whole reason I started this blog...
Looking at these different pictures is crazy to me.  My bite has changed so much!  I've blogged all four of these pictures individually, but I still like looking at my changes side by side. 
The first picture is my bite right before I got my braces on.  The second picture is my bite exactly six months of me wearing braces.  It was a little over a month prior to my surgery.  The third picture is after my surgery, so I can bite together, but my splint is still on.  And finally, the fourth picture is my bite after my splint is off.  My teeth are still crooked, but I can bite together!  So far, I'm loving my results!!
And my smile...

I've already blogged two of these three pictures side by side, but I decided to put up another picture with my splint off.  The before picture is obviously a picture of me before my surgery.  The during is a picture after my surgery during my recovery.  I've still got my splint on in the during picture.  And the after picture is me still with my braces on but no splint!  I've come a long way just in 6 short weeks!
I realize that I did two separate posts about my bite and smile yesterday, but the pictures didn't show up.  I've deleted those two posts and re-posted them as one longer post.  I didn't want these pictures to not be seen because, like I said at the beginning of this post, this is the reason I started my blog!!

**I've also done two other posts today, so IF anyone even reads my blog, don't forget to read those as well!! :)

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