Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the day before...

Less than 24 hours. O.MY.GOSH!!  Most people would probably not blog about this, but since I'm a pharmacist, I thought it would only be natural for me to do a small post on my medicine!  I filled all my prescriptions yesterday and got three OTC items I figured I would need.  I've heard anesthesia is hard on your body and can really constipate you, so I got a stool softener and overnight laxative.  I also got generic sudafed since my surgery is so close to my sinuses.  I was told it would be almost impossible for me to breathe out of my nose post-surgery.  I also got four prescriptions: lortab, keflex, peridex and phenergan. I had the option of getting my my rx's in tablets or liquid.  My nurse told me I might have a hard time swallowing pills, so I chose liquid.  I flavored my antibiotic and pain medicine watermelon, and I got a little extra sweetening enhancer added in hopes that they won't be too gross. 

I am not really hungry today, so I don't know how well my day-before-surgery feast will go.  I guess I'm ok with that.  The only thing I really wanted to eat before my surgery was Chuy's creamy jalapeno dip and chips.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to eat that before tomorrow.  It's going to be a looong time before that will be part of my diet again.  I'm also chewing some bubble gum.  I love any type of candy, and I'm not going to be able to have that for a while either.  I'll be enjoying it while I can!

Sans makeup, except for mascara smears & still in my PJs!  Please excuse me!!

I forgot to ask my nurse what I need to bring to the hospital.  I'm hoping once my surgery is over, I won't have to wear a hospital gown.  I'm doing laundry right now, and I'm washing some comfy t-shirts and sweatpants.  I'm also washing a new blanket I'm going to take with me. I know I'm only spending one night in the hospital, but I do want to be comfortable!

Ok... so this is my final post before my surgery tomorrow.  I'm already so, so nervous.  I doubt I'll be getting much sleep tonight.  I'm just hoping for a smooth surgery and fast recovery.


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