Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday will be here before I know it!

I went to my pre-op appointment last Friday.  I had so many questions and was very scared about the actual surgery itself.   After talking to my doctor and nurse, I'm not as nervous about everything. 

So here's what I found out about my surgery:
  • They're only operating on my upper jaw -- 3 sections
  • My lower jaw is going to be fully functioning post surgery
  •  Surgery is going to last no longer than an hour and a half (therefore, NO catheter! That's what I was most nervous about)
  • I have to spend one night in the hospital but should be able to go home pretty early the next morning
I'm counting down the days only because I took three whole weeks off of work.  I am in major need of some time off, so I can't wait.  From what I've been told, I should be feeling back to normal in about a week.  I won't look normal and I won't be able to eat solids, but at least I'll feel better! I'm hoping I don't get too bored during my recovery. 

I know I'm going to be really hungry the first few weeks.  The first week after my surgery I'm on an all liquid diet.  I have no idea what I'm going to drink seeing as how I'm super picky.  The second week I'm allowed to add small amounts of mushy food back into my diet; however, I'm still not allowed to chew.  And the third week I can finally add meat back into my meals.  I think chewing will be hard but not impossible.  I'm hoping this will jump start my weight loss.  I'm forever on a diet then falling off the bandwagon, so I'm hoping to lose some weight during all of this.  We'll see how that goes!  I have to work until 10 the night before my surgery, and I'm not allowed to eat after midnight, so I'm planning on having a small feast from 10:30 to midnight! It'll be my last real meal for a couple weeks!!

Next time I do a post it'll be after my surgery. Can't believe it!!

Until then...

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