Sunday, October 9, 2011

all up in my grill

day TEN.  I still have nothing to write about.  Still swollen.  Still pretty numb.  Still bored.  No pain. No thrush, but I still have some bumps in my throat that don't hurt.  I really did not want to put a picture of me up today.  But I did.  Just for comparison purposes!!  When I smile, or try to smile, I don't look too swollen.

As I was taking pictures of myself, I did get a really good close up of what's on my teeth right now.  Obviously I cropped the picture and turned it black and white; the colored picture was not too hot!

So this pretty little thing gets to hang out in my mouth for 4-6 weeks, as far as I know.  This is what oral surgeons do these days instead of wiring patients' mouths shut.  It's like a cast for the jaw.  It's clear and it touches all of my top teeth.  Well, just the bottoms of my top teeth, like I've said my before.  It also covers a large majority of the roof of my mouth, which makes it pretty hard to talk.  It's held in place by wires that are attached to my braces.

I might get wild tomorrow and make a trip to Target. I am bored out of my mind, so I'll probably go even though I look like a crazy!!

goodnight :-o

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