Wednesday, October 12, 2011

wednesday, wednesday!

day THIRTEEN.  I'm getting a little stir crazy, so getting out of the house today was just what I needed!  I had an appointment with my oral surgeon.  It was short, sweet and to the point.  Before my appointment, only the left side of my teeth were touching when I bit together, so my doctor changed how I'm wearing my rubber bands.  Now all of my teeth touch together when I bite down.  The way they are now positioned with the rubber bands, I'm forced to breathe completely out of my nose.  I know that's normal for the majority of people, but it is definitely not something I'm used to!

my rubber bands now go across my front teeth, sort of!

After we left the doctor's office, Mom and I stopped at a really cute boutique, The Spotted Zebra.  I tried to find a website, but they don't have one.  Mom bought me three pieces of jewelry that are so nice.**  She said it was my "after surgery" present.  I can't complain!!  She got a couple other things too!  We are definitely going back next week after my appointment!!  We also stopped at another new store closer to home then went home for lunch.  Now I'm just rambling, but I did have a really good afternoon!  I didn't get back to my house until almost 7:00.
**thanks Mom!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

I've kind of struggled with eating with this huge splint in my mouth.  I pretty much am only eating peanut butter right now.  I could eat more of a variety, but it's so hard to chew, and I'm not too hungry.  I'll stick to PB at least for the next couple of days!!  Dr. Clark said today we would schedule an appointment to get my splint off at my next visit.  I'm hoping I won't have it on but two more weeks.  I'll find out next Wednesday!!

This is completely unrelated to my mouth, but Mom got me into watching Revenge, a new show on ABC.  Y'all, it is so good!! I wasn't going to watch it, but once I started, I was hooked!!

Also, if anyone even reads my blog, please tell me you've heard about the little girls from London (I think?) that sing Super Bass by Nicki Minaj?  They were on the Ellen Show today. If you haven't heard them yet, you've got to watch them on YouTube!

So that's all for today.  I can't believe tomorrow it will have already been two weeks since my surgery!! I'm really sad that I have to go back to work in a week from this Friday.  I'd be fine if I never worked again, but then again, who wouldn't??

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