Sunday, October 2, 2011

a quick Sunday update!

I spent almost all day in bed today. I went to sleep Saturday night around 11:30. Jack woke me up around 5:45am to be fed. Since I was up, I went ahead and took some pain medicine. I woke back up around 9 and had to take some phenergan and sudafed. Then I went back to sleep until 5 this afternoon. I was sleepy!!! I'm not in a lot of pain, but I do hurt more than I have been. I would say I'm maybe a 3-4 on a scale out of ten. I'm still really uncomfortable. My mouth is getting really dry. I think it's a combination of the cooler weather and the fact that I still can't shut my lips! I'm still very swollen, but I've got a little feeling back around my lips. The worst part is still not being able to breathe through my nose at all. SO annoying!! I didn't take any pictures today. I feel like I look the exact same!! But I will put some new ones up tomorrow!! I seriously can't wait to eat. I was craving goldfish all day!!


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