Sunday, October 30, 2011


day THIRTY ONE.  I worked in my yard almost four hours this afternoon.  I had no idea how long planting flowers actually took.  I bought six bales of pine straw, four bags of dirt, and six flats of pansies and went to town.  I definitely took my time, but I enjoyed being outside.  The sun was shining, and it wasn't too cold.  It was definitely a perfect day to work in the yard!  I can't wait for my garnet, white and pumpkin orange pansies to grow and get much bigger!

I also went and saw my grandma at the hospital.  I hadn't seen her in almost a week, and she looks so much better.  She's not in the ICU anymore, and supposedly she's going to get to leave the hospital in the next few days.  I sure hope so!!

I wore no makeup today, so my pictures are much different from the ones I've been posting. 

I also took an angled picture of myself.  I still think I'm really swollen.  I'm starting to think I might look like this forever!!

BIG cheeks!


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