Monday, October 31, 2011


day THIRTY TWO.  Today was Halloween, and I've been going all day long.  I worked 8-4 then ran home and got ready for all the trick-or-treaters.  We sat outside for at least two hours and handed out 10 bags of candy.  There were so many people and lots of really cute costumes!  It was fun, but it was SO cold!!  I started out wearing a witches hat but couldn't see very well with it, so I didn't wear it too long.  I LOVE candy but unfortunately couldn't eat too much this year because of my splint and braces. 

Symptom wise I'm still pretty numb.  I don't have much feeling, but I can feel pressure.  I'm still swollen as well.  I think that's going to last for months.  And my jaw still hurts if I go for an extended period of time without my rubber bands.


My hair drives me crazy.  I've been trying to grow it out for years, but I have horrible split ends and it just breaks off (thanks to straightening my hair and getting highlights for the past 13 years).  One side of my hair is dramatically longer than than the other.  I normally get it cut to even it up, but I haven't in a while... hints my uneven locks.

Carla sent me another sweet something.  She really is the best friend ever.  She gave me lots of Halloween goodies!! Thank you my love!!!

I'm so tired.  And sore.  My entire body is sore from working in the yard yesterday.  That's pretty bad,


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