Monday, December 19, 2011

it's been a while

I haven't blogged in a couple weeks.  During those few weeks, I've only taken one picture, so here it is...

The roof of my mouth is still numb and I think I'm still swollen, but other than that, I think I look completely normal (as normal as a 26yo with braces looks).  I went to the orthodontist last week, and they told me my braces would be off in 3 months.  Music to my ears!!!! I was initially told it would be August, so when I heard they would be March, I was ecstatic!!!  I still think my teeth have a long way to go, but I'm optimistic! 

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

TWO months!

days SIXTY, SIXTY ONE, SIXTY TWO and SIXTY THREE.  Tuesday marked two months since my surgery.  My recovery has gone by so fast.  My gums above my teeth are still completely numb along with the roof of my mouth but only where my splint was.  I'm still swollen, but if you didn't know me, I don't think you'd be able to tell.  I kept thinking my smile was crooked because of swelling, but its actually because my gums are more exposed on one side.  I had my final appointment with my oral surgeon yesterday.  He said that once my braces are off, I need to have my gums evened up.  I'm definitely all in, so I'm going to do it, but I hope it is not too invasive, and I really hope its not painful.

Besides my splint being off, I don't see much of a difference between the second and third picture.  Maybe I look a little less swollen when you look at my cheeks?

I took the next two pictures exactly two months after my surgery.  Looking at my profile, I still look really swollen, but I think I might just have a chubby face.  When I smile, my nose wrinkles.  This is something totally new. 

I know I've talked about my bumpy chin before, but I don't know if I've ever put pictures up.  I've always been a mouth breather mainly because my lips never comfortably went together.  At rest, my mouth would always be wide open.  I could obviously press my lips together, but it was always awkward, and I would have a bumpy chin.  Now, after my surgery, I am bump free!  My lips now rest together; I breathe solely out of my nose (except maybe at night time); and I no longer have bumps on my chin!

see the bumps!!                                                                                                  no more bumps!

Now I just need to start a countdown to when I'm getting my braces off, but I think it'd be depressing.  I don't want to rush time, but it feels like summer won't be here for a really long time!!  For now, I'll just take things day by day!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I forgot...

days FIFTY SEVEN, FIFTY EIGHT and FIFTY NINE.  I've taken a picture of myself everyday since my surgery up until this Friday.  It didn't even cross my mind to take my daily picture... Friday was a really long day!  I really do look the same in every picture now, so I guess it doesn't really matter.  So I followed the trend and didn't take a picture of myself today (Sunday) either.  I took one picture with a friend on Saturday night, so I stole it off her facebook (not great quality), cropped it, and I'm using it as my Friday, Saturday and Sunday picture. 

On a completely different note, GO GAMECOCKS!!!  Not only did USC beat Clemson, we killed them!! The final score was 34-13, which doesn't necessarily reflect a "killing," but we looked SO good.  I'm so proud to be a Carolina Gamecock.  Now if only the regular football season wasn't over!!  I'm hoping we'll get a good bowl game!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


So I've noticed that my smile looks lopsided.. kind of like I've got more gums showing on one side of my smile than the other.  I zoomed in on one of the more recent pictures of my smile, and you can really see the difference.  I'm really hoping this will, and can be, fixed!! 


days FIFTY THREE, FIFTY FOUR, FIFTY FIVE and FIFTY SIX.  My grandma's funeral was yesterday, Wednesday, November 23.  It was very sad, but I know she's at peace now.  Grandma was loved by so many people.  There was a really good turnout, and I got to see a lot of friends and family that I hadn't seen in a while.  I wish she could have spent Thanksgiving with us today, but I know she's in Heaven looking down on all of us!! 
Today we ate Thanksgiving lunch at my parents' house.  There was a total of 17 of us eating today!  My oldest sister, Denise, her husband, and children, Madison and Christopher drove down from Tennessee for the holiday!  I hadn't seen my niece and nephew in over two years, so I was very thankful that I got to see them.  I wish they lived closer because I love being with them and watching them grow.  Maybe one day!!
I would love nothing more than to go shopping tomorrow on Black Friday.  I love the crowds and the deals and just the rush in general.  Unfortunately, not only do I have to work tomorrow, I have to work all weekend.  I'm also sad about missing all the big football games.  Luckily, the Carolina/Clemson game starts right after I get off of work on Saturday, so I will get to watch the most important one!!  I'm really hoping the Gamecocks can get another win!!!

And now for picture overload!!



Wednesday was a very chaotic, long day.  I only took one picture of myself, and I took it just for my blog.

Thursday I didn't take any pictures of just my face, but I took a lot of pictures with family, so I'm just putting those pictures up!
I LOVE a jumping picture!!

We took about a million!!

Sister, me, cousin Katie, niece Maddy, nephew Christopher

one million and one

aunt Lindsey & Ashley!

my fav cousin Katie

thanksgiving jack!!

I actually put up all of my Christmas decorations last week, but I haven't gotten around to take any pictures of anything.  I did take one picture of my tree today, so I wanted to post that!  My tree looks a little puny, but its really cute!!  Pictures don't do it justice!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

before braces

days FIFTY, FIFTY ONE and FIFTY TWO.  I was looking through my computer today trying to find pictures of my grandma and decided to post some everyday pictures of me before I had braces (well, really just two pictures but you'll still get the idea).  I posted one picture of myself the day I got my braces on, but that was the only one of me without having braces on.  My gums were so big when I smiled, but you couldn't tell I had the big gap between my teeth; however, when I talked, my tongue would slip through my front teeth and I had a slight lisp.  I hated that so much!

December 2009

May 2009

Ok so now my daily, my face looks the same in every pictures, pictures!!


*these pictures were taken after everything happened with my Grandma. There are definitely some makeup smears.



grandma -- January 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011... a date I will never forget.  My sweet, loving, amazing grandma passed away late last night.  We're not exactly sure what the cause of death was, but we're thinking pneumonia was the culprit.  She didn't have any signs or symptoms of having pneumonia until yesterday.  She passed in her sleep and as far as I know, she was in no pain.  Praise God!  I'm surprised how well my entire family is holding up.  I've cried but not as much as I would've thought.  I think reality hasn't really hit yet.  Grandma lived a long and fulfilling life.  She's now with my Grandpa and their son, which is exactly where she belongs now.  I already miss her like crazy, but I know she's still here watching over me.  Please keep my family in your prayers!

I love you Grandma McKinney!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

SEVEN weeks!

days FORTY SEVEN, FORTY EIGHT and FORTY NINE.  I cannot believe that it has been seven weeks since my surgery.  Tomorrow will be 50 days.  That is craziness!!

Tuesday --

Wednesday --

Thursday ---

I don't know why I still take pictures of myself.  I really do think that I look the same day in and day out now. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

before, during, and after -- BITE and SMILE

This is the whole reason I started this blog...
Looking at these different pictures is crazy to me.  My bite has changed so much!  I've blogged all four of these pictures individually, but I still like looking at my changes side by side. 
The first picture is my bite right before I got my braces on.  The second picture is my bite exactly six months of me wearing braces.  It was a little over a month prior to my surgery.  The third picture is after my surgery, so I can bite together, but my splint is still on.  And finally, the fourth picture is my bite after my splint is off.  My teeth are still crooked, but I can bite together!  So far, I'm loving my results!!
And my smile...

I've already blogged two of these three pictures side by side, but I decided to put up another picture with my splint off.  The before picture is obviously a picture of me before my surgery.  The during is a picture after my surgery during my recovery.  I've still got my splint on in the during picture.  And the after picture is me still with my braces on but no splint!  I've come a long way just in 6 short weeks!
I realize that I did two separate posts about my bite and smile yesterday, but the pictures didn't show up.  I've deleted those two posts and re-posted them as one longer post.  I didn't want these pictures to not be seen because, like I said at the beginning of this post, this is the reason I started my blog!!

**I've also done two other posts today, so IF anyone even reads my blog, don't forget to read those as well!! :)


day FORTY SIX.  I was off today, so I did several loads of laundry, picked up my messy house, unpacked from this past weekend and paid bills.  That doesn't make for a very exciting today, so I think untitled is a very appropriate title for today's post!

I look weird in my not smiling picture.  Oh well!!  I am loving that you cannot tell, for the most part, that I've got braces on.  Obviously in person you can tell a lot more, but as far as pictures go, you can't see them all too well!!  No complaining there!!

While I was just hanging out today, I decided that I am going to start working out again.  I always have workout spurts then burn myself out.  Last time I was really into it, I did Insanity with Shaun T.  It was such a good workout, but I dreaded doing it every single day.  My new plan, starting SUNDAY, is going to be to workout on my off days and days that I work 8-4.  I figured that would be eight days every two weeks.  I think I can handle that.  Hopefully I'll be able to stick to that!!


days FORTY THREE and FORTY FOUR.  I'm kind of back tracking , but I definitely wanted to blog about my weekend in South Carolina.  Almost all of my closest college friends and I met up in Columbia this past weekend for the USC/UF football game.  The Gamecocks won 17-12, which made the weekend even better!! 

I didn't take any pictures of just me on Friday or Saturday, but we did take several pictures of us all together, so I'm just going to post those!!

We all got into Columbia late Friday afternoon.  We went to dinner at Miyabi's, which is probably our favorite place to eat in Columbia.  After dinner, we hung out at the hotel for a little bit before going to bed.  This is the picture that I talked about (in an earlier post) where I can tell that I'm still really swollen.  From the side, I think I still look very strange.

I am NOT a fan on this picture, but its the only one I've got for Friday!

We got up early Saturday morning and headed to the fairgrounds for some tailgating.  Daniel and Levi never let us down.  They always have an amazing tailgate with lots of yummy food!! 

Later that night, we went to dinner in Five Points at Harpers then we went dancing at Liberty in the Vista.  We spent many, many nights back in the day at Liberty.  It was just like old times, except the DJ played horrible techno music!!

We all woke up early Sunday morning, ate at Cracker Barrel then went our separate ways.  I hate that we all live so far apart, but just being able to see my college friends puts a big smile on my face. 

I cannot wait until our next vacation together!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

close ups

day FORTY FIVE.  I typed a really long post about this past weekend with lots of pictures, and it didn't save!  I'll rewrite it tomorrow!!  I've already done three posts today, but I wanted to do one more.  I took some close up pictures of my teeth, and I wanted to post them. 

I want to apologize for the yellowness, calcium buildup on my bottom teeth.  I guess I need to floss better or really just floss period!  But, look!! My teeth touch together when I bite.  I dind't know if I'd ever see this day!!

 This picture shows how far I've still got to go.  I've got these gaps on both sides of my teeth, so my orthodontist is going to have to fix that.  I ate right before I took this picture, so it was necessary to be black and white.  You still get the picture though!!

And since I didn't really take any pictures of just me on Friday or Saturday, I'm going to go ahead and post my Sunday pictures.  Today was a long day.  I was in the car almost six hours, and my pictures definitely reflect that!!

Okay! I think four posts in one day is enough!!  Goodnight!