Sunday, November 13, 2011

close ups

day FORTY FIVE.  I typed a really long post about this past weekend with lots of pictures, and it didn't save!  I'll rewrite it tomorrow!!  I've already done three posts today, but I wanted to do one more.  I took some close up pictures of my teeth, and I wanted to post them. 

I want to apologize for the yellowness, calcium buildup on my bottom teeth.  I guess I need to floss better or really just floss period!  But, look!! My teeth touch together when I bite.  I dind't know if I'd ever see this day!!

 This picture shows how far I've still got to go.  I've got these gaps on both sides of my teeth, so my orthodontist is going to have to fix that.  I ate right before I took this picture, so it was necessary to be black and white.  You still get the picture though!!

And since I didn't really take any pictures of just me on Friday or Saturday, I'm going to go ahead and post my Sunday pictures.  Today was a long day.  I was in the car almost six hours, and my pictures definitely reflect that!!

Okay! I think four posts in one day is enough!!  Goodnight!

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