Sunday, November 20, 2011


grandma -- January 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011... a date I will never forget.  My sweet, loving, amazing grandma passed away late last night.  We're not exactly sure what the cause of death was, but we're thinking pneumonia was the culprit.  She didn't have any signs or symptoms of having pneumonia until yesterday.  She passed in her sleep and as far as I know, she was in no pain.  Praise God!  I'm surprised how well my entire family is holding up.  I've cried but not as much as I would've thought.  I think reality hasn't really hit yet.  Grandma lived a long and fulfilling life.  She's now with my Grandpa and their son, which is exactly where she belongs now.  I already miss her like crazy, but I know she's still here watching over me.  Please keep my family in your prayers!

I love you Grandma McKinney!!!

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