Monday, November 14, 2011


day FORTY SIX.  I was off today, so I did several loads of laundry, picked up my messy house, unpacked from this past weekend and paid bills.  That doesn't make for a very exciting today, so I think untitled is a very appropriate title for today's post!

I look weird in my not smiling picture.  Oh well!!  I am loving that you cannot tell, for the most part, that I've got braces on.  Obviously in person you can tell a lot more, but as far as pictures go, you can't see them all too well!!  No complaining there!!

While I was just hanging out today, I decided that I am going to start working out again.  I always have workout spurts then burn myself out.  Last time I was really into it, I did Insanity with Shaun T.  It was such a good workout, but I dreaded doing it every single day.  My new plan, starting SUNDAY, is going to be to workout on my off days and days that I work 8-4.  I figured that would be eight days every two weeks.  I think I can handle that.  Hopefully I'll be able to stick to that!!

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