Sunday, November 13, 2011

six weeks

day FORTY TWO.  I've noticed that I'm no longer numb above my lips.  My right cheek is still numb but barely.  However, the roof of my mouth where my splint was is still completely numb.  I'm still super swollen.  I'm putting up a picture in the next post of me from the side, and you can really tell how swollen I still am.  The red spots above my lips are still there, but they are slowly fading.  I don't even really notice them anymore.  My back teeth now touch.  It only took me wearing my rubber bands in the box shape for a couple days for my teeth to shift.  I've noticed from taking pictures of myself everyday, that my smile and eyes are crooked.  One of my eyes is slightly higher on my face.  I know that's not fixable, but I'm hoping that my smile will even out.  I smile much bigger on one side of my face.  I don't know if it's due to swelling or if it's just the way I smile.  Only time will tell...

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