Thursday, November 3, 2011

FIVE weeks

day THIRTY FIVE.  Thirty five days.  I can't believe it.  I was looking at myself in the mirror today, and I am still SO SWOLLEN.  I am so over being swollen.  SO over it.  But I don't really need to complain because I really am happy with my results so far.  I'm just ready to look normal again.

I woke up this morning and was on a mission to clean my garage.  I had random stuff laying literally everywhere.  I put everything in a specific place and it looks so much better.  This afternoon I went to the rehabilitation hospital that my grandma was moved to.  It broke my heart seeing her.  She just looked so pitiful and it was the first time in my life I've been around her that she wasn't talking.  I am just so ready for her to be herself again.  Sadly, I don't know if she ever will be.  I broke down in her room and had to leave because I couldn't stop crying.  I'm such a baby but I love my grandma so much and I hate seeing her just laying there.  After leaving the hospital, my sister and I went to Christmas Village.  We checked out every booth but didn't buy too much.  We did have fun though just looking around!  I love Christmas time!!!

Enough about what I did today... here are my pictures.

One of my eyes is super red today.  I think its allergies.. or something.  Hoping it'll go away soon!

Please pray for my grandma!! She needs all the prayers she can get.  Thank you!!!

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