Sunday, November 27, 2011

I forgot...

days FIFTY SEVEN, FIFTY EIGHT and FIFTY NINE.  I've taken a picture of myself everyday since my surgery up until this Friday.  It didn't even cross my mind to take my daily picture... Friday was a really long day!  I really do look the same in every picture now, so I guess it doesn't really matter.  So I followed the trend and didn't take a picture of myself today (Sunday) either.  I took one picture with a friend on Saturday night, so I stole it off her facebook (not great quality), cropped it, and I'm using it as my Friday, Saturday and Sunday picture. 

On a completely different note, GO GAMECOCKS!!!  Not only did USC beat Clemson, we killed them!! The final score was 34-13, which doesn't necessarily reflect a "killing," but we looked SO good.  I'm so proud to be a Carolina Gamecock.  Now if only the regular football season wasn't over!!  I'm hoping we'll get a good bowl game!!

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