Wednesday, November 9, 2011

it is O-U-T!

days FORTY and FORTY ONE.  My splint was removed yesterday morning!!!  I didn't think it would be any big deal, but I was so wrong.  It hurt so, so bad.  My mouth was stretched out so big that both corners of my lips cracked open and are still bleeding off and on almost 36 hours later.  As they were taking the splint out, they were tugging and pulling and pinching.  Luckily, the whole process only took five to ten minutes.  It smelled SO bad, so once it was out, I got to brush my teeth.  I brushed for about 5 minutes, and blood literally poured out of my mouth the whole time.  Gross.

@ the doctor's office -- last picture with the splint!

After I left my doctor's office, I went to my orthodontist where they took even more out of my mouth!!  I got one new wire that goes across all of my teeth instead of the usual three different wires. My orthodontist also repositioned my rubber bands.  Right now my front teeth touch, but my back teeth don't touch at all.  The rubber bands are in a posterior box formation.  That basically means all my back teeth are being pulled together by my rubber bands that are in the shape of a big box.  I'll try to get a pic of it soon.

first picture post splint removal

I ended up brushing my teeth a total of seven times before noon yesterday!  I wanted everything as clean as possible, and I really didn't want stinky breath!  The roof of my mouth that was covered by my splint is really numb and feels weird.. don't really know how to explain it.  Now that my splint is off, I do think I look different.  I'm actually a little self conscious about my teeth right now.  I feel like they're really pointy, and I've got lots of gaps.  My orthodontist has got some major work to do now!!

I tried to find a picture of the characters' teeth from the Coneheads movie.  I feel like I look just like them.  Maybe I'm just being weird!

So here are my Tuesday and Wednesday pictures.


Wednesday (super long day = lookin' roughhhhh!)
**I'm wearing my pink sweatshirt in so many of my pictures.  I come home and just throw it in.  I really don't wear it out in public a lot!!

The nurse that helped remove my splint told me that my swelling would go down a lot more now that it's out.  There were huge hook like things pushing way up into my cheeks and gums in the very back of my mouth, and now that's all gone!  I'm also really hoping the corners of my lips will heal soon.  I'm putting neosporin on them as much as a can. 

I asked a tech at my orthodontist's office yesterday how much longer I'll have my braces.  She said no longer than nine months.  That's a long time.

Here's to hoping the next nine months fly by!!!

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