Tuesday, October 4, 2011

day FIVE!

I went to bed last night feeling pretty good.. only a little stuffy and my throat didn't hurt too bad.  I woke up this morning around 4:30am in tears.  My throat hurt sooo bad.  I was convinced I had strep throat.  I took some pain medicine and went back to sleep.  Mom called the doctor's office around lunch time, and they said I could have yeast in my throat.  They asked if I had white patches in the back of my throat, and I so no without even looking.  A few hours later, I actually looked in the mirror, and low and behold, there were white patches all over my throat.  So I've got some sort of yeast infection in my throat causing all this pain.  My nurse called in an anti-fungal that I'm supposed to hold in my mouth a minute before I swallow.  That's not working out too well since I can't breathe through my nose, but something is better than nothing!!

i thought this was too cute not to share!

Today I ate a sno-biz (shaved ice).  I had to take small bites, but ooooh it was amazing.  I'm going to probably be eating lots more of those! I also broke the rules a little bit and had tiny pieces of spaghetti in sauce for lunch and dinner.  I can't chew, but I took small bites and just swallowed! It was so good.  I was getting so sick of nothing but liquid. 

And finally, two pictures of me.  I'm still just as numb as day one, and I really feel like my swelling hasn't gone down at all.  Maybe I should have gotten that steroid shot?? I'm going to a post-op appointment on Thursday, so we'll see what they say!

I'm still huge!!! Hopefully by the time I go back to work, I'll be back to normal. *fingers crossed*

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