Thursday, October 6, 2011

one week down!

I've been trying to take a picture of myself that doesn't look absolutely dreadful, but I still haven't gotten one, and the flash is really bright, so I decided this is going to be a pictureless post! (longest sentence ever?)

I weighed today.  I'm down exactly 7lbs. Wished it was more but I can't complain!  That number is probably going to stop dropping seeing as how I ate the world today, and it was so good! I got to officially start eating a larger variety of food today.  I had two baked potatoes, tons of texas toast (minus the crust), and a chocolate chip cookie. yumm!!

My face is still swollen, but mom seems to believe its going down.  Maybe a little?? I've gotten some feeling back in the left side of my face around my nose and lips.  However, the right still is still numb as ever.

My throat didn't hurt at all last night when I went to bed, but when I woke up this morning, it hurt just as bad as the day before.  I took another diflucan, and I've been swishing and swallowing nystatin like its my J-O-B!

Other than my throat, I have zero pain unless I push on my face the wrong way.

I sound super weird when I talk.  I sound like my nose is all stopped up, but it's only a little stopped up.  It hurts to talk too.  My jaw bones sort of quiver.  And of course, it hurts in my throat when I talk. 
I've also got some sort of contraption in my mouth, kind of like a retainer.  It covers the roof of my mouth and the bottoms of my top teeth.  It's gritty and rubs my tongue wrong.  It clearly doesn't help the talking situation at all! I have to wear it for 4-6 weeks. 

I've developed a new symptom that is driving me crazyyy! My mouth is dry all the time, especially the roof of my mouth.  I'm thinking it has something to do with my new rubber bands, which by the way, I'm not having any problems putting on or taking off!  Maybe I'll figure out a way to breathe without my mouth getting oh so dry.  I definitely can't wait to be able to breathe out of my nose!

And I've got a funny for today.  Mom came over to check on me this morning.  I followed her outside as she was leaving and sat in a rocking chair on my front porch.  Ten minutes later, I was ready to go back inside.  Guess who was locked out? That would be me.  I had no phone, and there was not an unlocked door or window at my house!  I knew mom would be back within an hour, and I definitely didn't want any of my neighbors to see me, so I sat on my front porch and just rocked until Mom got back!  Lucky for me, it felt amazing outside!

Ok so that's all for today, I suppose!  Goodnight!

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