Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, Friday, Friiiiiiday + Saturday!

days TWENTY NINE and THIRTY.  I worked Friday 8-4 and ever since I got off, all I've done in shopped (sort of!).  I had some amazing coupons and such, so I've taken advantage and gone shopping!  Pier1 marked their Halloween stuff 50% off yesterday, and I had $80.00 in Pier1 rewards plus $10.00 off a $100.00 purchase, so I spent a little over $100.00 and got everything for $2.00 and some change!  I worked in my yard a little bit Saturday morning then went to the mall to spend a little more money!  Gap had 40% off of select items as well as Francesca's.  I got a couple tops, a scarf, and a really cute pair of wedge heels from those two stores.  I had a coupon for $40.00 off of a $75.00 purchase at Express, so I got a pair of red jeans.  I like to think of them as being garnet for my Carolina Gamecocks!  The Loft also had 40% off of everything in the store.  On top of that, I had an additional 25% off AND $20.00 in rewards.  I bought it up at The Loft and love everything I got! 

On the way to the mall, my sister and I saw a lady all dressed up with a little boy walking down a very busy road... definitely not something typical.  We asked if she needed a ride, and she quickly said yes!!  We drove her to get a rent-a-car but every place was closed (we took her to the first place, but she called the rest of them).  We then took her back to her car, let her get some things out of it, and took her and her son back to their house.  We spent about an hour with them, and they were a really nice family.  I'm glad we got to help them out!!

Tomorrow I'm going to do major yard work -- new pine straw, dirt, and lots of pansies.  I'm hoping it won't be too cold.

This has been a good weekend.  I just wish it could last a little longer!! I am excited about Monday though because its Halloween!  Halloween in my neighborhood is HUGE.  I bought $60.00 worth of candy and really hope I don't run out!

And now the reason I blog (almost) everyday.. here are my Friday & Saturday pictures!

Friday --

Saturday -

I also did a Friday, Saturday, Friday comparison.  I had sunglasses on in my second Friday picture, so I used Saturday's instead.  Besides me having makeup on, I honestly can't tell much of a difference in my swelling.

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