Monday, October 10, 2011

it's amazing what a straightner can do!

day ELEVEN.  Most days after I take a shower, I just brush my hair and go (post-surgery).  However, I got an urge to actually dry and straighten my hair this Monday and last Monday.  Maybe it'll become a trend?

Comparing my two pictures one week apart, my smile is definitely a lot different.  Other than that, I really can't tell too much of a difference.  I don't know if that's a good thing or not!!
*please let me apologize ahead of time.  Yes, I did do my hair! BUT I am still in my pajamas!! Sorry :)

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I am no longer taking any prescription medicine!  I may use the peridex to rinse my mouth out from time to time, but no more antibiotic and no more pain medicine.  I was using the liquid lortab to help me sleep, but I took benadryl last night instead.  I'm also taking 600mg of Advil three times a day just in case I do have any pain.

I would really like for those big, ugly red things over my lips to go away.  I put polysporin on them several times a day, but they're not budging.  Luckily, they don't hurt.

One thing that does hurt... laughing and/or smiling really big.  Mom got me laughing really hard today, and it hurt so bad.  It felt like I was ripping some stitches way up in my gums close to my nostrils.  I didn't, but it really felt like I was.  No more big smiles and big laughs from me for a while!!

I go to my orthodontist tomorrow for the first time since I've had surgery.  I'm excited to hear what he has to say.  I'm really hoping to have my braces off early next year sometime, but who knows.  I do know that I want my teeth to be perfect, so if I have to wear them a little longer, I guess that'll be okay.

Mom got a new iPhone today and I took this picture with it.  I thought it was too cute not to share!!

goodnight from ashley and jack <3

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