Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today was my first full day at home.  It hasn't been bad at all!  I went to sleep last night around 12 and didn't get up again until 8am (except to feed Jack around 6).  The only reason I got out of bed at 8 was because I was so stopped up.  I wanted to get some Sudafed in me asap!  I laid in bed a little longer, then Mom and I went outside with Jack and Caroline.  We let them soak up some of this amazing weather.  I didn't get any pictures, but both of the babies had so much fun outside!

Caroline hanging in bed with me

I surprisingly don't have much pain.  I haven't been taking the lortab my doctor prescribed me.  It makes me really drowsy, and I don't like that.  I've been trying to ride it out with liquid motrin, and so far, it's been working for me.  My biggest complaint right now is still the swelling and numbness.  I feel like it's just as bad as it was on day one.  The only other thing that's been bothering me this afternoon is my stomach.  Its been rumbling; I think it might be because of my antibiotic.

earlier in the day

On a sad note, my Carolina Gamecocks lost today to Auburn.  Mom and I watched the game. It was B.A.D.  Both teams looked horrible.  I did have my Carolina flag outside all day but pulled it in the second the game was over!

carolina flag quickly came down :(

My nurse said days three and four will be the worse, so we'll see tomorrow! I'm starting to have some pain, so I'm going to take some medicine and go to bed in about an hour or so.

The velcro thing that wraps around my head helps control the pain - kind of keeps everything tightly in place!

ashley :)

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