Friday, October 7, 2011


Today has been another boring day; however, I am feeling really good!!  I tried to eat pancakes for breakfast, but I couldn't.  When I first wake up, my throat is extra sore, so the pancakes weren't happening this AM.  But don't worry! I had more texas toast and yet another baked potato for dinner!! Love that right now!

I think my thrush is finally gone.hallelujah!!!  I'm not in any pain, just discomfort.  My face is still numb on the right side around my lips, but I can tell the feeling is slowly coming back.  I am so ready for the swelling to go down!  I've been using ice packs off and on all day long to help speed that slow process up!  My mouth is still dry, dry, dry but I can tell that the dryness is definitely associated with the rubber bands.

you can clearly see the bands in this pic!**

All the pictures I take of myself are horrible (**and yes.. in the above picture, I was making a strange face on purpose!!)  I seriously can't believe that I post pictures of myself online for anyone to see with me not wearing any makeup!  I'm ready to start putting makeup on, but my face is still sensitive.  I haven't been taking my acne medicine, and I feel some zits trying to pop through my skin.  I also noticed some kind of funky red rash all over my left cheek.  It is not pretty.  I've been washing and moisturizing my face twice a day hoping that my skin will get back to normal very soon.

still thinking i look pretty weird in pictures...

I did accomplish a HUGE task today.  I picked up my entire house.  It looked like a tornado came through, so I decided to finally take the plunge.  It took me a little over an hour to get everything put back in place, and I've done pretty much nothing since then.  I'm getting really sick of watching TV.  I just watched my fourth episode of Wheel of Fortune this week, and it is getting old!

I got a package in the mail today.  My sweet friend Mary sent me a little care package.  It was unexpected, so it was a very delightful surprise.  I really do wish I lived closer to my best friends.  I miss them so much!

bubblebaths & reading gossip magazines. what more can I ask for?

The card Mary gave me was so cute too! And speaking of cards, I never did talk about the cute cards Carla sent me.  I got them in the mail the day after my surgery.  My friends are so thoughtful!

Thank you Carla! I LOVE YOU!

So my big Friday night plans include lots of Say Yes to the Dress episodes and one more post.  I'm still trying to figure the whole blogger and picasa relationship.  I made a one week comparison picture in picasa, but I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to get it in this post! And I'm still trying to figure out how to make a header for my blog.  I thought I had it all figured out, but when I added it, it was just one big face taking up the entire computer screen.  Not too pretty.  Maybe that'll be my Sunday project?? Tomorrow is going to be dedicated to football! Go Gamecocks!

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