Tuesday, October 11, 2011

still swollen

day TWELVE. Today has been rainy and gloomy.  I went to the orthodontist today.  Everyone there kept going on and on about how good I looked.  I think they're supposed to say that to their patients.  I really don't look too hot.  I know the swelling will go down with time, but oh my goodness, I am SO ready for it to go down!

I think this picture is gross, but this is the only angle you can tell that I'm still really swollen. 

Nothing happened at the orthodontist's office.  They took some pictures and x-rays then I was on my way. 

It is really hard to blog everyday.  I feel like I have absolutely nothing to talk about.  I am going to my oral surgeon's office tomorrow, so maybe I'll have something new after my appointment.

You can tell in this pic how swollen I am between my lips and nose.

Enough about me for today :)

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