Sunday, October 16, 2011

SUNDAY funday!

day SEVENTEEN.  I didn't do anything too fun today, but I stayed busy, and that's what I like.  I'm pretty sure no one reads this except two of my friends (love you CRJ & MBC), but I still want to write down what I've done during my recovery process.  Mostly blah, boring stuff, but I still want to be able to read back on what I was doing and what I looked like each day!!

Today was gorgeous outside.  I got out and worked in my yard a little bit.  I planted lots of mums and pansies and hung one basket of snap dragons!  I also got the last of my outside Halloween decorations out!  Thank you Suzanne and Katie for your help!!
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Mom came over after my yard work was all done, and we went around the neighborhood and elementary school that's right by my house.  She walked and I rode my bike!

I've still gone the same two symptoms, swelling and numbness.  I feel like I'm a broken record...  I have noticed that my stitches are starting to hang down a little bit.  It's not gross or anything, but when I put my rubber bands on and have to pull up my lips, I see some danglers.  Luckily, they are dissolvable!

I struggled with pictures of me (what's new!), but I am putting two up.  I can't believe that I haven't put on any makeup whatsoever in over two weeks! These pictures are very scary but whatevs!

My night ended at my grandparents' house.  My grandpa found a stray little cat.  They took her in, and they're saying they are going to keep her.  She's very friendly and really cute!!  Who knows what her future holds, but I do know she's a happy kitty tonight (poor thing was only skin and bones).

And lastly, I've got two pictures of sweet Jack I wanted to post.  I'm definitely a crazy cat lady when it comes to him!!

Jack looks so scary in this picture, but I really just caught him mid-yawn! Sleepy Jack!!

goodnight!! :)

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