Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Will I ever feel better??

I'm trying to multitask right now.  I'm doing a live CE online, and I'm also trying to do my daily update.  It's not working out too well.  So I'm going to make this update short, sweet and to the point.

Today was NOT a good day.  My throat hurt so bad.  I couldn't talk.  I couldn't eat.  I couldn't even take my medicine because it hurt too bad to swallow.  I was absolutely miserable.

I changed my doctor's appointment to today due to my pain.

Turns out, my entire throat and tongue was covered in candida (thrush). Most painful thing ever.  Trust me.

My doctor also decided to put me in rubber bands today.  They suck.  I tried to get a picture of me in them, but that didn't work out.  So a picture of the rubber bands will have to do for today!!

I'll get a picture of me in them soon... if I can ever get them back on!

I got some diflucan in me around 1 this afternoon, slept until 5, and I now feel like a new person.  Don't get me wrong, my throat still hurts, but nowhere near as much as it did this morning.

Cough drops are my new best friend.  I don't know how well they are really working, but they do taste pretty good!

I really don't think my swelling is going down at all.  I honestly think it might be getting worse.  What the heck??  I feel like I look pretty pitiful in my pictures today.  I'm really hoping my swelling will go down a lot in the next week.  Prayers are appreciated!

I have a big irritation right above my lip - had it since I came out of surgery.  Won't go away!!

I promise I showered and changed clothes today, but I still look really rough!

I can't believe tomorrow will be ONE whole week since I had surgery.  It's gone by fast!!  I need the next two weeks to go by slowly.. definitely not ready to go back to work!!


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