Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What's wrong with your face?

day NINETEEN.  I went and got my nails done today.  I've gone to the same place for close to two years now, and I know everyone there.  I walked in the door today, and the second I was inside, the owner said to me, "Oh my gosh! What's wrong with your face?"  I thought I was looking pretty good, but apparently not!  The girl that actually did my nails told me she didn't even recognize me when I came in.  Wow!! I really don't think I've changed at all, except for my bite, but I guess I have??  Now I'm really not looking forward to going back to work.  I do not want to have to explain my surgery to every person that asks!!
Back to my nails... I've been getting a "gel manicure" since the start of the year.  I've now found out that it's actually called a shellac manicure.  I love it!! It costs more than a basic manicure (around $30), but each manicure I get lasts around 4 weeks without any chips! I love it and highly recommend it to anyone who gets their nails done!

I go back to my doctor's office tomorrow.  I'm really excited because I find out when I get my splint off.  I'm really hoping that it will be sooner than later!  I'm also getting my hair done tomorrow, so please excuse my greasy hair and dark roots in the following pictures.  Look for some blonder locks tomorrow!!


It just started pouring.  This rain is bringing in much colder weather.  Today the high was in the 80's and tomorrow it's in the 50's.  I am not looking forward to colder weather, but I do love leggings and jackets (neither of which I can wear to work!).

I'm doing yet another live CE tonight.  I wanted to get my 15 hours of CE's knocked out while I was recovering, but I've only gotten three hours done.  Oh well!! I've got until the end of the year!

I'm definitely rambling tonight, but I've got 30 more minutes on this CE, so I wanted to say that I really am trying to figure out how to get a header for my blog.  I worked for a while and got a new background, but I still can't figure out how to get a header without paying for one.  I also don't like the title "a journey through my little life," but I have no idea what to call my blog.  Maybe with time I'll figure it out??

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